I am Broken

I am Broken

notebookIt is said that when you’re not supposed to do something, no matter how much you want it, the universe will send you hints – from physical hints (like pain and a gut feeling you’re wrong), to Murphy’s Law being the rule of the day.

Well, I’m here to admit I’m broken. I have been various assorted ways of broken in my life since I was 12 at least. My brain has some serious issues with serotonin, dopamine and nor-epinephrine.Puberty triggered an array of mental health bullshit that took over 20 years to deal with, to get the proper help.

But, I am broken, I can’t deny that. I have been shit on, burned by and just generally treated like shit by the people I thought cared about me. I’ve watched them go behind my back to talk about me in many ways, deny things, and then proceed to make sure I am no longer welcome anywhere I choose to go. Especially if I stood up for what the hell I thought was right.

I have watched people take my ideas and then claim they were their own, too many times.

Friends, I’m tired of being used, abused, and thrown away.

It’s not a pity party here. This is just my own realization that I need to reframe, refocus and retry.
I invite you on the journey with me, if you’d like to come along.